Why are comments not allowed in JSON?

Every markup or data exchange format that I am aware of, supports the definition of comments. There’s only one exception: JSON.
I am dealing with JSON a lot these days. Recently, many developers prefer JSON over the more complex XML that’s been around for a while now. And that’s why it’s common practice to implement REST-APIs in JSON instead of XML. Another common use case for JSON documents is configuration of all kinds of software systems. Regularly I feel a need to comment some lines of such JSON documents. Maybe it’s just to clarify my intention or to make some notes for later.
If you work with JSON a lot, you will once come to a point where it would be great if you could have comments on some properties, a specific value or the like. Since JSON is a subset from JavaScript, one could think it would allow comments like in this example:
But it doesn’t. The JSON website doesn’t say much about this circumstance. The corresponding RFC doesn’t either. Douglas Crockford, who is said to have discovered JSON, gives the answer in his talk “The JSON Saga”. He states that initially you were allowed to use // comments after a double slash
as well as /* block comments */
in JSON. Later he decided to remove support for comments because of three reasons:
Dangerous practices
“People were putting instructions to the parser in comments, which was a really bad thing, because that would totally break interoperability, because this whole level of metalanguage wouldn’t be common, which would be outside of the standard.”
Unnecessary complexity
“[…] And for some of the ports to other languages about half of the complexity of doing the thing was just doing the comments […]”
Alignment with YAML
I don’t really think that these are valid reasons for removing something as quintessential as comments, but at least there are reasons for this decision.
There are two possible ways of working around the lack of comments (besides from being frustrated and leaving them out).
You can either agree on a special property that holds a comment for the surrounding object. For example:
Or you could use another markup format that supports comments. Examples would be XML, YAML or the newer HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation).
Personally, I think that YAML is a bloated spec and HOCON is preferably used to configure software systems. Sometimes, bringing XML to client-side web applications can be a real pain, so in-JSON comments often are the only solution.